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KP governor tells Afghan govt to repatriate nearly 2 million Afghan refugees residing in Pakistan instead of tempting NWA tribesmen

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Governor Sardar Mahtab Ahmad Khan has asked the Afghan government to focus their resources and energies on the long awaiting and honourable repatriation of Afghan refugees instead of tempting tribesmen from North Waziristan Agency (NWA) to take refuge in their country.

During an unofficial conversation with a group of journalists at Governor’s House on Friday, the KP governor said the repatriation of Afghan refugees would relieve economic and infrastructural burden on Pakistan.

Responding to a query regarding the Afghan government’s offer for financial incentives and establishment of refugee camps for North Waziristan Agency’s asylum seekers who come to Afghanistan, the governor said that Afghanistan should utilise its resources to repatriate Afghan refugees living in different countries of the world for the past many decades.

The KP governor added that the repatriation of Afghan refugees should be initiated from Pakistan- which, he said, is still hosting more than two million Afghan refugees.

Talking about NWA IDPs, Mehtab said that the “brave people of Pakistan”, despite being faced with many challenges, including limited resources, are capable of coping with any crises and emergency situation. The nation stands by Pakistan Army and those displaced due to military operation Zarb-e-Azb, he said.

Mehtab said every effort is being made to cater to the huge exodus of displaced persons from NWA.

He especially referred to the support extended by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and the Punjab government.

The KP governor rejected reports of civilian damages during Operation Zarb-e-Azb, saying that the local population was given adequate time to migrate to safer places before the operation was launched.

He said that the NWA military offensive is progressing successfully towards achievement of its objectives and efforts are on to complete the military operation at the earliest so that the displaced locals can return to their homes.