Government’s performance


It appears that Imran Khan has finally realised that the economic programmes launched by the PML-N government and its other development programmes were in reality an earnest, effective and sincere effort and if allowed to continue would put the country on the path of real economic progress.

The rapid progress in the establishment of coal based power projects, the initiation of work on a large number of small hydroelectric power projects, the halt in the slide of the economy, the improvement in the value of the rupee, the increase in the foreign exchange reserves, the upgrading by Moody’s, the favourable reports by the international financial institutions and the launching of Zarb-e-Azb in North Waziristan made Imran realise that once these programmes and projects started coming nearer to completion in the next two to three years, it would give such a boost to the economy and consequently to the popularity of PML-N that he would not have any chance in the next elections in 2018.

Imran’s economic team has been unable to offer any substantial criticism of the government’s economic policies or the development projects, all they have been able to do is nitpick. This provides ample proof of the above assertion. They have also been unable to point out any corruption in any of these projects. The totally transparent auction of the 3G and 4G is a glaring example.

Imran Khan and his team must have noted that the official railways development programme announced by the Chinese government includes the China-Gwadar railway line which means that it is an approved project. The Chinese railways have already started work on preparation of the design and project plan. It is expected that survey of the route and land acquisition will start next year. The physical work on this project is expected to start in 2015-16. This will create a very large number of jobs and create demand for many local materials and thus give a huge boost to the economy.




  1. the writer seems very unaware of ground realities,he is obviously a nawaz sharif supporter.fact of the matter is this government has done nothing expect for talking

  2. this is the most clueless government pakistan has ever suffered.nawaz sharif is a total failure

  3. national debt has almost doubled in 14 months,inflation has broken all the records,power shortfall has doubled from4000 to 7600, small businesses are closing,electricity prices are doubled and this person calls it progress,he must be crazy

  4. we must get rid of nawaz sharif and his chamchas as soon as possible,big shame on the writer for calling this hopeless situation economic progress

  5. PTI – Logic less party. Down with Nautankee Khan and his brainless walking dead zombie chamchas.


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