Pakistan Today

Politics of agitation

Politics of Agitation, all would agree, hasn’t done any good to this nation before; it wouldn’t do any good in the future as well. It has, in fact, done more harm than good. Demonstrations and long marches against a sitting government by the political demagogue s in the opposition is a phenomenon well known to the people of this country.

Traditionally, the leaders sitting in the opposition have always tried to influence the downtrodden and ignorant people through firebrand speeches focused on lambasting the government in power, justly or unjustly. However, in the process of doing so, a very important factor that they have always overlooked is the immense damage that it has caused to the country.

Unfortunately, things have started moving in the same direction yet again. Of all that is happening now, one could say with full confidence that we have not learnt from our past mistakes. The people of Pakistan are partly to be blamed for all that has happened in the past and for what is happening now.

Imran Khan’s party tops the list of agitating parties who are ardently engaged in playing with the emotions of the people and are bent upon ousting the incumbent government. Now Tahirul Qadri, the chaudhrys of Gujrat, and Sheikh Rashid of the Awami Muslim League have also jumped onto the bandwagon of Mr Khan.

The Pakistani nation makes a fervent appeal to the agitating political parties, particularly PTI, to stop agitating and creating anarchy in the country. By doing so they might succeed in attaining their personal objectives, to some extent, but the country may have to bear damages of inconceivable magnitude. Pakistan is passing through one of the most critical times in its history. Time has come to bury personal prejudices and interests in the larger national interest, and make sincere and concerted efforts to strengthen Pakistan economically, socially and democratically.



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