Less precious than Gazans


Pakistani streets and social media sites are jammed with people and their messages condemning Israel’s recent attack on Gaza strip. Don’t take me wrong; I am totally against Israeli aggression against helpless civilians, who are forced to live in the world’s largest open-air prison, with nothing but a bleak future to look forward to.

My question to those countrymen who are now at the forefront of blocking roads and crashing websites with condemnation messages is: Where can we find you when fanatics go on killing spree to eliminate religious and sectarian minorities, you just keep counting the numbers as goals scored in the world cup. When mosques, shrines, churches, temples and other places of worship are bombed and burned, we see no effort to catch the culprits hiding among ourselves. We see no protests against innocent people being targeted under blasphemy law and family honour customs; even rape victims are condemned for inciting the heinous act and are asked to bring witnesses as proof.

We see no religious party openly rejecting Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIS, Al-Shabab; even if they do under public pressure, it is overloaded with ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’.

Therefore, first things first – come clean on what’s happening within few kilometers of our residences rather than shouting hollow slogans for Gazans living thousands of kilometers away.

Remember, charity begins at home, otherwise it’s just a show-off business.


Jubail, Saudi Arabia


  1. How can you compare the persistent and horrible atrocities being committed by the Israeli Govt, to random acts of violence perpetrated by armed thugs. Where in Pakistan have these gangs bombed homes with white phosphorus consistently and without any persecution and condemnation? Here at least we can have the hope for recourse, and if the minorities wan to they can always get out of the country, which they do. But what about the Palestinians? Even the Arab states don't accept them anymore, whereas our minorities can easily claim asylum almost anyplace in the world. How can you compare?

    • that is a response to be expected from a Pakistani……..minorities can leave!!!!
      and you want full sharia anywhere you go……..setting up new levels of double standards ,,, ,WAY TO GO!!!!

  2. Masood khan is obviously a Zionist campaigning for israel. Israel is a terrorist state living on Palestinian land granted to them by the British in in 1948. Their barbarism to the Palestinians is unprecedented and inhuman. More importantly it is generally become accepted by the so democratic and morally superior west.

  3. All the Muslim fundamental groups mentioned are condemned in all intelligent muslim circles. And Al Qaeda does not have its pen navy, Air Force nuclear weapons etc. Israel does. And it constantly uses everything at its disposal, to mass murder innocents.

  4. What those bashing Masood don't understand is that he is not comparing the sufferings of Palestinians to minorities in Pakistan but THE RESPONSE AND CONDEMNATION from our fellow countrymen who keep their mouths zipped over minority persecution by their very own people here in Pakistan but are going all crazy over atrocities committed over Muslims by a terrorist country they have no power to control.
    He's talking about your hypocrisy, idjits!

  5. Oh. Rite. That’s what he means. Thank u sooo much mr educated and intilligent meeru ( Hindu? ). So the hypocrisy of the Pakistani public is any more than the worlds when the west stood by and allowed sebrenica. Any more than Americas who for two twin towers have murdered and tortured millions in Iraq and Afghanistan???

    • So what now you small minded hypocrite, you are gonna label me a Hindu. I am very much a Muslim and by God, a better one than you since I don't go issuing fatwas to anyone, labelling them non-Muslims because they differ from my POV. Go grow a brain and an objective one.
      Plus its 'intelligent'.

  6. Il remind mr meeru and mr masood that sympathy and hypocrisy are two very different things. Any Muslim who doesn’t feel the pain of another is by essence an infidel.

  7. Masood bhai, We have a idiot countrymen like Azher and Naeem Ahmed Malick then why wasting time for ? We had a great Leader Mr. Musharraf who taught us Pakistan First.. but Mr. Azher and Naeem are contractors of Islam.. they dont care whats going on in own backyard.. but care more about Palestine.
    God bless them.

  8. ‘A Pakistani?’ Or an infidel.
    Well, if your a Muslim then obviously u should be a contractor of Islam – is there any other way? Muslims won’t be preaching the Torah. And nationalism is Haram.
    U can only expect muslim sympathy from a believer.

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