NSA intercepting more accounts than US suggests: WP report


According to a report by The Washington Post, US’s NSA is checking nearly 900,000 internet accounts, which led to the capture of Muhammad Tahir Shahzad, a Pakistan-based bomb builder in Abbottabad

Ordinary internet users far outnumber legally targeted foreigners in the communications intercepted by the National Security Agency (NSA) from United States digital networks, according to a four-month investigation by The Washington Post.

Nine of 10 account holders found in a large cache of intercepted conversations, which former NSA contractor Edward Snowden provided in full to The Post, were not the intended surveillance targets but were caught in a net the agency had cast for somebody else.

Many of them were Americans. Nearly half of the surveillance files contained names, e-mail addresses or other details that the NSA marked as belonging to US citizens or residents. NSA analysts masked, or “minimised,” more than 65,000 such references to protect Americans’ privacy, but The Post found nearly 900 additional e-mail addresses, unmasked in the files, that could be strongly linked to US citizens or US residents.

According to the WP investigation, the surveillance files highlight a policy dilemma that has been aired only abstractly in public. There are discoveries of considerable intelligence value in the intercepted messages, and collateral harm to privacy on a scale that the Obama administration has not been willing to address.

Among the most valuable contents, which The Post, did not describe in detail, to avoid interfering with ongoing operations, “are fresh revelations about a secret overseas nuclear project, double-dealing by an ostensible ally, a military calamity that befell an unfriendly power, and the identities of aggressive intruders into US computer networks”.

Months of tracking communications across more than 50 alias accounts, the files show, led directly to the 2011 capture in Abbottabad of Muhammad Tahir Shahzad, a Pakistan-based bomb builder, and Umar Patek, a suspect in a 2002 terrorist bombing on the Indonesian island of Bali, the foreign news outfit reported.


  1. All that is happening in our days is the prelude to enormous changes but even before discussing in regard of the possible remedy one must be clear about how we came to this point recognizing both physiognomy and origin of the threat. Since George H. Bush was CIA director, the US secret State agencies had played a double role to finally get to where we are today when every person is constantly monitored by NSA and other agencies not to report the information to the US Government but to feed with all data the embryo of a new superpower still kept hidden. In brief, here is how it came to possess all means and to know everything of everyone. In 1988 the ex CIA director was elected president although this was a US president like no other. His attention quickly turned to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait from where he personally benefited immensely in exchange for the protection of those tyrants and their oil while in the United States instead the president observed his son, Neil, to be the author of the largest robbery of its time, the “Savings and Loans" scandal. After a few years, the next largest robbery in history was Enron that financed the electoral campaign for his other son, George. Once he also became president, the son plotted the most infamous attack on US soil, 9/11, to begin the widest monitoring program ever conceived and to consolidate for 8 years the interest of one family above all. In our days, a group of Zionists, like a hidden parallel government, with George Bush still today at the head of secret services in the US, UK and Israel, is the destabilizing force behind most terror events and with classified information at disposal and a private army is plotting what now would seem unthinkable to many. The spokesman for this group in the US Congress is John Mc Cain who reports the given orders weighing on the US administration. A World War and chaos everywhere have already been planned so that desperate people will soon invoke a New World Order without even knowing what that is. Not the protests or violence in the streets could ever oppose such threat to the whole Humankind. It will take a new Awareness to form one alternative Front to oppose the detailed Zionist Plan which is founded upon the Biblical concept of one "chosen people" and that justifies any mean based on its Belief that Equality does not exist. When Jeb Bush will be the US president, the next War will be inevitable and also come by surprise. It will be the excuse to completely abolish the concept of Equality and all human rights associated with it celebrating the rise of one "chosen people" so to weave Religions with their plot. Like the Robbery of all times in the name of a New World Order which is in fact that Greater State of Israel already described in the Bible.The only possibility to counter the Zionist threat is for Humankind to drop all its borders and to become like One single Country. Aside from any possible excuse of Religion or other, the Conflict would have to be defined from the beginning only pro or against Equality.

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