Pakistan Today

A fateful reluctance

A reluctant general cost the country dearly


The havoc a military leader’s indecisiveness can wreak is best illustrated by the consequences of Gen (retd) Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani’s hesitation to launch a timely operation in North Waziristan Agency. We are told that military leadership was in favour of launching the operation in 2010. Besides numerous attacks on the law enforcement personnel, the year was marked by major assaults on civilians in Lakki Marwat, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar. It was widely understood at the time that the leadership of almost all terrorist groups was centred in NWA.

The indecisiveness was to cost Pakistan highly. Attack on PNS Mehran came in 2011 as did the suicide bombing in Charsadda, killing 80 paramilitary trainees. Kamra airbase was targeted the next year. During these two years scores of civilians died in terrorist attacks. During 2013 elections the terrorists killed a number of candidates. There were major attacks on Shias while about a hundred worshippers died when a Church was bombed in Peshawar. A serving general of the army was also targeted at Fazlullah’s directives. The terrorists shot trekkers belonging to different countries, damaging Pakistan’s image abroad and harming local economy in which tourism plays an important role.

The failure to launch the offensive at the right time allowed the terrorists to strengthen their position. They built tunnels and IED making factories in areas under their control. The PML-N which delayed the operation for full one year on the pretext of talks must also share the responsibility for the tragic consequences emanating from inaction.

While some might attribute Maj Gen (retd) Athar Abbas’ revelations to personal grudges, few would differ with his conclusions that the delay in operation strengthened the extremists, increasing their numbers, adding to their resourcefulness and providing them time to strengthen ties with one another. This explains the difficulties the operation is currently facing in NWA. Despite the softening of targets for a fortnight, the army is still taking casualties. Two more soldiers died in an ambush in Mirali on Tuesday, taking the total in 16 days to 19.

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