PTI leader says PM ready for compromise to save his rule





Leader of the Opposition in Punjab Assembly and senior leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Mian Mehmoodur Rasheed claimed that the prime minister who was not ready to listen to anyone’s stance was now showing flexibility in his attitude to save his government.

Talking to journalists in the premises of the Punjab Assembly on Thursday, Rasheed said that the desire of the incumbent government to take all parties along was aimed at saving its rule and not meant to protect national interests and resolve the problems faced by the country and its people.

He said that taking all political stakeholders into confidence will have positive aspects. However, he said the government can’t complete its five-year term without fulfilling the PTI’s demand of transparent investigation into rigging in elections.

The PTI leader said the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) has also confirmed mass rigging in NA-118 and now there is no justification for delay to probe the rigging in the said constituency.

The opposition leader claimed that masses are fed up of the anti-masses policies of the ruling elite class and they wanted to get rid of it. He said there is no difference between former and serving law ministers of the province as both are two faces of same coin having problem with the PTI and its chairman Imran Khan.

Rasheed blamed that Punjab government has set new records of failures and currently the province is defaulter of Rs 450 billion. He said rapid increase in incidents of kidnapping for ransom, target killing, robberies and other crimes has been witnessed across the province during recent days which reveals loose writ of the government.