PML-N shoots itself in the foot again


Mess after mess

The PML-N has again displayed total inefficacy in handling a situation politically. Tahirul Qadri’s Pakistan Awami Tehrik (PAT) was within its right to hold protest as long as it did not break any law. Heavens would not have fallen if PAT had been allowed to march from Islamabad to Lahore. The government acted in a way that indicated a state of panic. It relied on extreme administrative measures to stop the party from holding the protest. It should have instead held talks with the PAT soon after the Model Town incident to bring the temperature down. Subsequently it should have held parleys to ensure that there was no untoward incident after Qadri’s arrival. It opted instead for measures reminiscent of dictatorial regimes, like blocking of roads in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, closure of the airport, arrests, baton charges and tear gassing by police and the weirdest of all, the diversion of the Emirates’ international flight from Islamabad to Lahore. That mediation by Governor Sindh brought to a peaceful end the hours-long standoff at Lahore airport indicates things could have been resolved through talks much earlier.

The PML-N in fact created a crisis out of a non-event. The brutal police attack on PAT office in Model Town, conducted without any provocation and which led to the killing of nine party workers put the government on the defensive while it created a wave of sympathy for the PAT. Unless the PML-N government learns to resolve political differences through talks, it might end up antagonising the entire opposition before long.

Tahirul Qadri has declared that he has finally returned to Pakistan to take part in politics. He must have realised by now the futility of calls on army. What he is yet to understand is that real change can be brought only through elections, and not through any other method. What is more, parliamentary democracy requires give and take rather than an inflexible attitude.


  1. Qadri is evil man ready to play a role to invite military rule instead a rule elected by the people of Pakistan. He does not recognise the mandate of the people. Basically he is more dangerous than Taalbaan because they claim to enforce Isalmic rule in Islamic Republic of Pakistan where as Qaadri wants a rule of type Turkey, Us, Canada, France according to the norms of Western countries. Western norms are that two boys or two girls can have relations with each other and are allowed to live like a family. This hypocrite and evil man is more eager to please the west rather than our own Islamic values. He is not after a rule of law but wants to have chaos in the country. Therefore he should be dealt with iron hand. "Dandda Peer hai bigriaan tigrian daa"

  2. indubitably, Qadri has many contradictions and faults to satisfy his detractors but dubbing him Western agent for dual nationality, non-sectarian and ecumenical outlook and pluralistic approach appears biased , dogmatic and obscurantist mentality which Taliban and their Deobandi-Wahabi supporters have been showing for years.

  3. Can anyone explain what exactly is it that Qadri is demanding that is so outrageous? What exactly is it that he is asking for that would destabilize democracy? What exactly is he saying that the govt does not want people to hear? Why is the govt so afraid of him? Is the right to protest not part of democracy? I hear Qadri being accused of a lot of things but nobody has explained how his demands would hurt the country in any way. So far, from what I have heard, he seems to want to bring about positive changes in the process of election that could only be better for the future of the country. It would bring out leadership that is "clean" and electioins that would be fair, honest and transparent. Democracy means electing leaders thru votes that represent them. Democracy does not mean a contest to see who can "stuff votes" in ballot boxes by any means possible.

  4. Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif both have repeatedly exposed themselves showing their incompetence to head a government. Their inability to coupe with simple administrative situations is proving to be damaging and dangerous to the nation state. The intelligentsia need to seriously reflect and seek a way out of this dilemma and the mess.

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