Rs 3m per marla offered to clear way for Metro!


The provincial government is ready to provide Rs 3 million for each marla to commercial property holders on Murree Road coming in the way of Metro Bus Project.

According to details, the commercial property which has been acquired for Metro Bus Project provincial government will provide Rs 3 million for each marla to the owners of property, while 15 percent necessary charges will be provided on this rate and charges of structure will be other than this amount.

It is also expected that the residential property owners will also get commercial rates but the amount of commercialisation fee will be cut.

According to sources, RDA Land Accusation Collector has been signalled to implement section 6/4/17 however before this after the finalisation of assessment, all the amount of compensation will be deposited in the account of LAC. Before this, Rs 1 billion have been deposited in the account of LAC.