Militants get impatient, give ultimatum for peace


Pakistan militant leader Hafiz Gul Bahadar has announced termination of 2006 Peace Accord with the government as a protest against Pak Army military action in scattered areas of North Waziristan Agency and directed tribesmen to shift to safe places before June 10, 2014.

In a leaflet distributed in various towns, villages and hamlets on Friday, NWA Shura Mujahideen, led by Bahadar, stated, “Till June 10, everyone is allowed to take steps to bring peace and reforms but after this deadline expires, no one will be allowed either to meet or extend cooperation to government functionaries and officials.”

The leaflet stated that the Pakistan government has formally terminated peace agreement with the militants without any declaration or announcement, adding, “So far we tolerated this just in larger interests of the nation but now the situation is reaching its peaks and it is impossible for us to remain patient or silent.”

It further stated, “Brutalities on part of the government are increasing day by day. Innocent people, children, women and aged people are being made victims. Private properties and infrastructure are being destroyed. No one is aware about an end to these acts of brutalities. It was confirmed by reliable circles that the government has made up its mind for a formal operation.”

Addressing the people of NWA, the leaflet stated, “We cannot see the continuation of the government brutalities and injustices against you people. You must leave Waziristan before June 10 because of hardships in displacement during war. Remember, do not go to government established camps as there is no safety of religious norms, beliefs, dignity and honour there. Displacement should be made towards areas like Datakhel, which are adjacent to Afghanistan.”

Through its leaflet, the Shura urged tribesmen of NWA to extend help and assistance according to their capabilities without explaining the nature of this help.

The shura suggested that the tribesmen play a role in reconciliation and reforms till June 10, after which Shura Mujhahideen will make the final decision.

Through the leaflet, tribesmen were directed to refrain from having any kind of contact with military offices and government organizations, adding that there will be a complete ban on tribesmen’s visit to government offices after June 10 and violators would face dire consequences.

It also directed militant organisations not to despatch militants to Afghanistan and focus all manpower and resources on one target.

Government circles are also reportedly encouraging their supporters against militants through leaflets and pamphlets.

Meanwhile, Sher Mohammad Khan, nephew of freedom fighter Faqir Epi, will lead a rally at Miranshah on Saturday where he would announce a plan for peace and reconciliation. He has already requested the government and militants to declare a ceasefire without further delay.