Looking beyond


Governance is not an easy task. Overcoming problems, facing new challenges and satisfying people needs is difficult and very demanding. The power shown by the people is an indicator that the civil society is going through transformation and is capable enough to set agenda for the politicians.

The strategies utilised to woo or fool people are now not so effective as masses are becoming more aware of political tactics. A covering up technique has always been applied when something went wrong. Denial that something happened raised questions. Defensive approach spoiled the situation and left marks of doubt. Above all, inaction when there was circumstantial evidence led to mistrust.

Gone are the days when people can be fooled again and again by emotional slogans and appeals. Now people want a strong democratic system where deliberations are done on all sensitive issues and decisions taken in the interest of the country. New forms of accountability need to be introduced that fulfill the justice parameters and also satisfy the citizens.

Above all, the nation has shown its solidarity with the defence forces and proved that for the defence and honour of the country there is no compromise.

It is high time that all of us think and act by looking beyond our self interests and having a patriotic vision. The future of Pakistan is more important than anything else۔




  1. There is consensus amongst all informed analysts that at present, Pakistan is facing economic, social, political, energy and host of other problems of unprecedented proportion. People have been forced to remember military rulers for security and economic stability. Even Imran Khan has given grace marks to Asif Zardari for his performance during his 5-year tenure. (Though this is a politically incorrect observation by an emerging national leader).

    The PML-N government has disappointed the people due to incompetence, maladministration, arrogance and insensitivity to the basic needs of the people. Pakistan stands isolated in the comity of nations on account of extremism and reign of terror in the country, though included in the group of most corrupt countries of the world.

    In provinces situation is not different. PPP Government has failed to provide security of life in Sind: there is unabated target calling in Karachi and kidnapping in Interior Sind. Nobody has sense of security in this scenario. KPK has been experiencing bomb blasts under the very nose of the Provincial Government. Other cities are as insecure as the Provincial capital. Chief Minister Balochistan has also expressed his inability to control the Province.

    Nobody exactly knows situation in Punjab; it is all wrapped up. However, media is dutifully reporting incidents of suicides, bureaucratic malpractices and lawlessness in the province.

    What is the way out of this critical situation? I think this is the time to transcend personal, group, regional and sectarian interest and considerations for the sake of Pakistan. Our forefathers offered historical sacrifices for the love of Pakistan. Let the present creed of political leaders sacrifice their lust for power and decide in favour of a National Government. Time is calling them to play their historical role to save Pakistan.

    Asghar Mahmood

  2. It can not be denied tat people hold the key to power in a real democratic sysytem. The politicians gauge the needs of the people and try to manipulate them , instead of fulfilling their needs. No Politician is a fool not to know what is missing from the people's lives.
    the basic problem is that we do not have the resources to meet the needs of the people. We must work on making Pakistan's economy strong and viable.

    Only an economically strong Pakistan can bring prosperity for all. Let us rebuild and revive the Economy.

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