Local urea vs imported urea


Pakistan is known to be as an agricultural land to the world. Beside natural resources there is an immense need of urea by our farmers for cultivation and to meet the demand of food for our people. I have been reading constantly in newspapers that besides having the capability of producing the required quantity of urea of its own; why there is an immense preference given by the government to import urea, burdening on foreign reserves. Further to that government gives subsidy on the imported urea to make it affordable to the farmers. There are so many fertilizer plants in Pakistan that can produce much cheaper urea for our local consumption.

This is such an eye opener fact that if government support local fertilizer producers, Pakistan may enters in a domain of proper fertilizer production and can export this white gold to other part of the world and can contribute in generating foreign exchange. The current scenarios are transparently pointing out on the downfall of economy which can easily be converted into a tremendous increase only if the concern and efforts applied. Government should focus on this issue as an opportunist that can be surely resulted out as beneficial for our nation in various grounds like strong economy, generating great number of employment, providing appropriate supply of food to all and hence a smooth reversible cycle can be created.

