JI stands by labourers over privatization: Siraj


The Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) is always against the privatization of the national institutions and it will stand by labours if the government takes any step in privatization of national institutions.

Newly-elected JI chief Siraj-ul-Haq stated this during his meeting with a delegation of National Labour Federation (NLF) and members of other trade unions at Idara-e-Noor Haq on Monday.

Speaking at the meeting, Siraj-ul-Haq said the problems of labours, poor and other common men would be eliminated by uprooting the feudal and capitalism systems. He further said that the parliament had held hostage in the hands of feudal lords and capitalists, adding that 95per cent of the resources were in the control of feudal lords and capitalists.

Lauding the efforts of NLF, Siraj-ul-Haq said the NLF always raised the voice of labours, adding it should continue its struggle for the interest of working class. JI Karachi Naib Ameer Muslim Pervez, NLF President Khalid Khan, General Secretary PIACE Union Obaidullah, Lala Nazeer, JI Karachi Information Secretary Zahid Askari and others were also present on the occasion.


  1. Anyone who listens to this old misinformed radical will guarantee the ruination of the economy…he opposes capitalism but what does he propose…communism?…these clueless fanatics have no solutions…just criticism for things that are not written in the book from the 7 th century…

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