Art exhibition of acid attack survivors concludes


The three-week `Visual Art Exhibition of the Work of Acid Attack Survivors,’ captured by nine acid attack survivors concluded here at Embassy of United States on Monday.

In the exhibition, started on May 5, master pieces of acid survivors who were trained as photographer under Aurat Foundation’s Gender Equity Program (GEP) supported by USAID were displayed in which they captured unique images of daily-life from the lens of camera with portraying their own thinking.

These nine survivors attended 21-day `Visual Arts and Expression Workshop’ organized by Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) under GEP grant.

The photographic training workshop was led by a Spanish photographer Diego Ibarra Sanchez and Pakistani photographer Myra Iqbal, who taught survivors to express themselves via art of photography.

Every picture displayed at the exhibition has a story to tell.

A representative of ASF commenting on the exhibition said the exhibition is organized to give financial support to these nine acid attack survivors who passed through worst experience of their life.

These snaps showed that their wishes and desires and what they want to do in life but could not do due to this heinous act of violence with them.

She said it is encouraging that these survivors have not lost hope of life and still fighting for themselves and their families and now it is responsibility of society to give them space and understand their feelings.

She added that the exhibition continued for three weeks and the funds raised from the exhibition will be utilized in buying photography equipment for survivors who want continue photography as their career.