Poor governance in appointments


There appears to be serious flaws or lack of requisite administrative experience and proper legal scrutiny of decisions before making appointments in judiciary that could stand the test of legal challenges.

A political party in power cannot afford luxury of selecting a team of cronies, or those skilled in art of sycophancy, especially in a country like Pakistan, faced with gigantic problems, given the threat of terrorism, our economic problems and our history of weak political governments. As patron of PCB, it is within the discretion of the PM to appoint a chairman.

It is for PM Secretariat to ensure that rules and procedures laid down are followed in letter and spirit, because discretionary powers are to be exercised within the confines of law, without breaching constitutional rights of any citizen. The fact that numerous appointments made by this government could not stand up to judicial review should be a cause for worry for PM. He should order a shake up and ensure that in future his office does not face any embarrassment. If appointment of chairman PCB has been repeatedly struck down by judiciary, there has to be either a strong technical deficiency in working of this organisation, or in appointment procedure, or else in choice of individuals running that organisation.

Whatever the reason, this points to a lack of good governance and administrative skills of those appointed by the PM to execute his decisions. A lot of water has flowed down under the bridges since PM Nawaz Sharif was in power in 1998. There is a relatively independent judiciary, more awareness, a vocal media and equally more expectations of those who voted him to power. His government has yet to deliver on its promises of making appointments on merit to head state corporations and institutions, and appears to have almost no visible desire to have strong accountability of tax evaders, land grabbers, hoarders or those involved in insider trading and fleecing the public.

