If India remains absent!


Pakistani mangoes for UK have opportunity to garb the maximum share in the absence of Indian mango worth of £6.3m.

The ban imposed by European Union (EU) and UK on the import of Indian mangoes has caused bane to India but could prove a boon for Pakistan. This punitive step has been taken by EU after Indian mangoes were found heavily infested with fruit flies.

Talking with mango farmers, Director Harvest Tradings and Horticulture Expert, Ahmad Jawad, said that the ban offers a unique opportunity to Pakistani exporters to pounce and grab the God send opportunity and expand their business to capture the large market.

As last year Pakistani mango exporters were facing serious problems in the United Kingdom, where the quarantine department is disposing off almost all consignments from Pakistan because of the presence of fruit flies.

Jawad told the current season which will start from May 25th, is the right time for Pakistani mangoes to grab the maximum share of the Indian UK mango market worth of £ 6.3 million, so that for next year’s we may in comfortable zone with the established customers.

We also well aware that UK’s quarantine policies are getting stricter every year, and Pakistan faces serious damage to its exports if it fails to control fruit diseases, including fruit flies.

However, Britain is taking action to overturn the EU ban on import of mangoes from India though it is unlikely to be lifted before the end of this mango season.

According to Financial express news paper, chairman of the UK’s Home Affairs Committee Vaz said in a statement “I was very pleased to hear from the minister that action is finally being taken to try to overturn the EU ban on the importation of Alphonso mangoes and EU is planning to send an audit to India in September this year.”


  1. why you want to make your tomb on hindustani faileur? if you are Real show you and come forward with the best fruits if not dig your own tomb without attacking as nonesense!!!

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