Musharraf’s cardinal sin


Ever since Ghulam Mohd, Sikander Mirza and Ayub Khan decided to derail democratic process charted for this country by Founding Fathers Quaid-e-Azam Mohd Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal, this country has suffered in terms of massive rise in corruption, abuse of power, collapse of law and order, deterioration in human development index and politics of opportunism. We owe it to our shuhada, valiant sons like Aziz Bhatti and Shabbir Sharif, that their sacrifices and those of millions who lost their lives in 1947 while migrating, were not lost in vain.

The corridors of power and those in whose hands are entrusted policies, evolve development plans, define our foreign policy are dominated by men of mediocre caliber, who have proven that they lacked vision and commitment to this country, for most of them have chosen to abandon this country, shifting their assets and families to safer foreign havens, having reaped a bonanza while sun shined on them.

  Pakistan has endured a series of martial laws, followed by political governments, both allowing elite to pilfer state, involve in institutionalised tax evasion, massive flight of capital and brain drain. A state where most influential and so called philanthropists are land mafia dons known for involvement in organised land grabbing, smuggling, insider trading and running criminal Mafioso style gangs involved in heinous crimes, is a state waiting to be reduced to anarchy that is exhibited in Somalia. Musharraf like Zia, Yahya, Ayub imposed martial law, but he crossed all limits when on 12 May, 2007, he stood in Islamabad and proudly claimed brutal killings of over 60 innocent citizens of Pakistan on streets of Karachi as a show of his force. By this act he brought into disrepute, institution of armed forces, creating a wedge between people and their army, which if allowed could threaten very edifice on which our national security rests. It is mutual love and respect between army and people, which gives strength to our valiant soldiers to defend their motherland, by being seen as guardians of security of lives of its citizens. On 12 May, 2007, Musharraf committed this cardinal sin, for which he must pay.




  1. "On 12 May, 2007, Musharraf committed this cardinal sin, for which he must pay"
    This can be your Your dream which will never come true
    Musharraf is the best and rest are hippocrates.

  2. May 12 kind incidents have become a norm of our society. No one has ever been prosecuted by such Cardinal Sins. Musraff is not alone in this line. Several others have committed sins which have been forgotten conveniently.
    Selective Justice must end for the sake of real Justice.

    • Pakistan, its army, its integrity and sanctity of its constitution are far more important than this meverick named Mush, who brought into disrepute this nation and the uniform he wore on 12 May 2007. This is the man responsible for ill-planned Kargil fiasco and hundreds of valiant soldiers who lost their lives, yet could not be given a proper burial and respect they deserved. Other than plots, lots of money in Dubai and properties in UK, US etc, for his self, there is nothing worthwhile he. Did for the country. I love the army

  3. Malik Tariq seems to the master of accusations and character assassination of people. How has he managed to round it on the neck of Musharraf? These are the dictators who have given life to our country and made us self dependent. These corrupt and filthy character feudal politicians had killed the team of Qaid-e-Azam and Liaqat Ali Khan, which gave us the country and were fighting amongst themselves for power. At that time Nehru had said that story of Pakistan wouldn't last for more than six months hence forth. General Ayub took the charge and made a lively Pakistan. That lively Pakistan was then broken into two by Bhutto, who then started leveling way for the Russian's "Drive to Warm Waters". Thanks to Zia who booted out Russians. Then in the garb of democracy drama, BB and BABA plundered the country to extent of getting on the verge of a "Failed State". There came General Musharraf who not only saved the country from falling into ditch, but put it back on the way of progress. The way Musharraf defeated Americans in Afghanistan, with much smaller Army and limited resources, would be a classical study in Military Strategy. The NATO or American Forces couldn't realize as to what happened to them in Afghanistan till 2010. We don't have the brains to appreciate such deeds. A Manhoos and Beghairat Qaum forgets all good done to them and twist words around their benefactor after they leave?

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