The Karachi Operation


According to Supreme Court Pakistan, Karachi’s main political parties are responsible for patronizing criminal mafia style gangs. Yet in the choice of IG Sindh, political parties have been consulted and their consent obtained.

How is it possible to restore law and order in Karachi, nab target killers, extortion racketeers, and those involved in heinous crimes such as kidnapping for ransom, when working of police and their scrutiny itself is subject to powerful criminal mafia supposedly enjoying patronage of political parties?. If a crime has been committed, law enforcement is required to nab those it considers guilty, interrogate them and present them before judiciary for prosecution.

Pakistan is undergoing is terrorism from within, supported and financed in many cases by our external enemies, who would like to destroy this country economically, so that it is reduced to a weak satellite state of regional and international powers. We face a crisis which threatens our very existence and survival as a sovereign responsible state, which is ruled by laws, not by individuals or groups, irrespective of whether they are elected or armed to teeth.

The whole purpose of maintaining an armed uniformed security service comes to a naught, if the state is subjected to blackmail and dictated by groups, who would require law enforcers to seek their consent, before proceeding against criminals. In the words of T Roosevelt, “No man is above the law and no man is below it, nor do we ask any man’s permission, when we ask him to obey it.”

Can anybody imagine a Senator in USA, a member of Lok Sabha in India, or a parliamentarian in UK threatening to bring to a standstill a major financial hub such as Karachi, if his demands are not met?. What would have been response of establishment in Pakistan, if an angry Baloch leader threatened to do something similar, or a Congressman made a similar threat to grind to a halt New York or Chicago?. If we are to restore sanity in this country, enforce supremacy of constitutional rule, than police, paramilitary forces or judiciary must not be slave to whims of individual power brokers, erring politicians or bureaucrats.




  1. The whole operation is being conducted on the wrong foot, the federal government should have intervened only if it was to call the shots and not sit on the sidelines as it is doing. It is the PPP CM and the MQM governor who are calling the shots and the DG Rangers is helpless, did he not tell this to the chief justice of the Sindh High Court on May 12, 2007. If MQM is openly admitting it has the street power to shut down the city or even the country for as long as they like, then MQM is also responsible for whatever is happening in the Karachi and the PM should stay in Islamabad unless he is willing and able to take charge.

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