Pakistan Today

Seasonal spray

The seasonal aerial spray of anti-mosquitos of all types initiated by President Field Marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan was a prudent and laudable decision. It not only helped curb out the poisonous and environment-polluting flies, mosquitoes etc – giving physical and mental relief to common men from their stings or bites – providing them long-lasting protection, but also its cost was affordable and reasonable. But in response to a petition filed by the bee-owners association against that spray, the campaign was halted by the government as they thought it was fatal for their bees and their honey-production.

It is a sad reality that till date it has not been restored yet. What is the logic behind troubling the majority for the sake of minority? The majority of our countrymen are poor – most of them being daily-wagers who work hard all day to make both ends meet. Their physical and mental rest is limited to nights only and conditioned to power too. But constant load shedding and buzzing and biting of mosquitos on the other hand adds oil to the fire so their rest goes to dogs.

It is high time the govt restarted these sprays again. Alternatively there should be bee-specific areas where there would be no spray. They can be shifted there so as to ease the tensions. It would be a welcome move amidst the load-shedding and mosquito bites.



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