Pakistan Today

Qadri’s political antics

I am surprised that men like Dr Tahirul Qadri, who this country gave an opportunity to blossom and achieve, chose to abandon it and of their own sweet will pledged an oath of allegiance to another nation and its sovereign, now have the audacity to indulge in its politics. Of course there is a lot that is wrong in Pakistan, its political elite, the establishment and various institutions funded by taxpayers.

We must all submit to the supremacy of constitution and the writ of law. However this reformation and restructuring process should be carried out by citizens of Pakistan for whom this is their motherland, where they would live and die, not abandon it for superficial benefits.

Pakistan was created through a constitutional struggle by men of character, conviction and commitment and who refused to betray their motherland. Neither were they willing to fall for temptations and greed for vast tracts of land offered by the Colonial Raj, a foreign passport, nor titles. Nationality and faith are unique in similarity because in reality you can have only one religion, just like you can be loyal to only one nation. There are people who can switch nationalities as and when it suits them, just like few for whom religion and faith have no importance.

What Pakistan needs is leadership with total commitment to this country in the sense that all their assets and stakes are located within its geographical boundaries. The problem is that those who have been at the helm of affairs have no stakes in this country, nor are they willing to submit their children to the destiny that millions of Pakistanis would have to endure, as a consequence of their decisions. What Pakistan needs are sons and daughters like Shaheed Aziz Bhatti, Shaheed Shabbir Sharif, or the patriot M M Alam etc, willing to sacrifice their all for honour and freedom of their motherland; not individuals who enjoy highest of office and make fortunes, but once out of power their conscience allows them to shift lock, stock and barrel to UK, Canada, Australia etc.



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