White Lies


Well, the prospect of trade opening up with India has delighted some and upset some. I’m sure the same mixed feelings would be found on the other side of the Radcliffe as well, depending on the particular sector one belongs to.

Jewellery is a sector within Pakistan that is sweating at the prospect. But recently, they got some (momentary?) relief when an Indian jewellers’ delegation was in town, selling not only bling but also shawls. Once the payments had been made and the delegation was long gone, did the wares stand up to greater scrutiny and it was found out the buyers’ didn’t exactly get what they paid for.

We, on the other hand, the local jewellers would be saying, would never scam you all like this.


Not a bad initiative, since any amount of fun and games would be welcome in these bleak times. But it seems that the Punjab government took a leaf out of the book of PML-N stereotypes when it organised a khaaba festival recently in Lahore.