BISP signs Mou with KATI and MCR for trainings



The Benazir Income Support Pragramme has achieved another milestone by arranging job placement for BISP beneficiaries, or nominated members from their families, with Pizza Hut Chain of food industry. Selected internees are being trained by MCR (Pvt) Ltd for paid jobs in Pizza Hut Restaurants.
Three BISP beneficiaries on the basis of interviews were selected by Pizza Hut, who completed their trainings and two of the trainees will start their job immediately. Though small, but it is the first step of BISP towards graduation of its beneficiaries out of poverty.
A job placement centre has also been established at the premises of KATI (Korangi Association of Trade and Industry), where beneficiary, or nominated members from their families, could be linked with industrial units located in Korangi for on the jobs training and further employment with industries.
Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Korangi Association of Trade & Industry (KATI) and MCR Pvt Ltd (Chain of Pizza Hut) during the month of February 2014 to impart vocational training to the BISP beneficiaries and to provide trained labor workforce to the Trade & Food industry.


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