Treason trial: Petition against Akram Sheikh’s appointment as Musharraf’s prosecutor suspended



A special court constituted for the treason trial of former president General (retd) Pervez Musharraf on Friday suspended the petition filed against the appointment of chief prosecutor Akram Sheikh, a private news channel reported.

According to the report, the court ruling was reserved on March 20 and on Friday the Special Court Registrar Abdul Ghani Soomro announced the decision.

The ruling stated that the petition filed by the former president’s counsel Anwar Mansoor against the appointment of Sheikh as the prosecutor was not maintainable, adding that the High Court had already given its verdict over this matter and this court does not have the jurisprudence to hear the case.


  1. special court ,special prosecutor….there will kangaroo court,it seem judiciary has become political party .GOD the only judge that every body has to answer …only GOD knows what happened….We can lie to everyone but not to God.
    He is the one who judges our Truth and
    Thereby does Justice to mankind.

  2. I have never seen before mocking of law before. Where is the eevidence they are talking about. They don't have evn dignity and shame, Whole of the world is laughing on our jugs and governmnt'.

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