The menace of loudspeaker


 It has been observed that the menace of loudspeaker in mosques has been increasing steadily with high pitched loudspeakers fixed on the tall minarets of mosques. These loudspeakers are used not only for calls to prayers but also for naat khwani at early hours of morning and during Juma sermons. According to a report recently published in a national Urdu paper it has been attributed to Hazrat Aisha (RA) that sound ought to be limited to people listening in a room and ought not be heard by the people outside so as not to disturb them. On the contrary loudspeaker noise emanating from mosques in close vicinity competes with garbled high pitched noise reaching several miles beyond the mosque at all hours of the day. Sometimes tapes of high pitched noise are played in an empty mosque for all and sundry to hear the sound. It is said that according to a Hadees-i-Nabvi a time would come that people would be troubled by noise in mosques so as to distract them from going to mosques. Even today residences are avoided to be built close to a mosque due to this torture The situation ought to be redressed in public interest.




  1. Responsibilty of this menace lies on both sides, governments not applying the law properly and timely, and religois people using it for their own advertisements

  2. i do not think that the writer is not qualified to comment on the thongs that he does not understand. The use of loud speaker is appropriate for the recital of Naat and Quran Khawani. The churches are allowed to use loudspeaker on Sunday sermons and religious singing. Should we curb that the one hand we talk about discrimination and the other banning the religious activities. ..

  3. The menacing plague of thundering noisy loudspeakers emanating from the mosques we should realise has now become a threat and serious hazard to public health.A worrying situation is this premeditated and calculated religious organisations build mosques anywhere install mighty powerful speakers and place in them Mullas with especially harsh voices. I had the shocking experience of moving into Lahore Cantt a few years ago and finding myself surrounded by mosques allround all with these very loud speakers blaring away. My nearest mosque was only few hundred yards away was so loud it shook the buildings like a "ZALZALA" and some early mornings I had the feeling as if we have been under enemy attack. Suffering from an ear disease tinnitus and this noise hurting me I decided to approach the mulla with much humility and respect I pleaded with him to reduce the volume a little. His reaction was rather in disbelief that I had the audacity to ask such a thing. Here is the exchange between me and him
    Me: Janab I am suffering from ear problems and would be grateful if you can reduce the
    volume of your speakers a little.
    Mulla: Rolling round his big eyes said "we were in fact thinking of even increasing it"
    Me: Why
    Mulla: We want to awaken the sleepy ones (soye hue ko jagana hai)
    Me:What if some still don't respond to your loud calls will you be going after them with LATHIS?
    Mulla: Yes we will even do that go after them with Lathis.

    I am afraid this Lathi operation in the form of lawlessness intolerance and dahshatgardi is now in full swing the mulla is beyond any control in Pakistan and there is very little anyone can do

  4. Never mind lathis our Mulla has had free hand arming himself with the most lethal arms together with 100s and 1000s of trained suicide bombers ready to strike and unleash his armoury.against Pakistan.This is the most horrible scenario we can all see looming at the horizon but unable to stop it.

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