Pakistan has invited applications for the award of prestigious Jinnah Educational Scholarships 2014 for the deserving Sri Lankan students pursuing their studies at O and A levels. The government of Pakistan has been awarding Jinnah Scholarships to the Sri Lankan students for the past nine years through Pakistan High Commission in Colombo. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of a strict criteria involving merit and need for financial assistance, says a message received from Colombo.
Last year, the government of Pakistan through its High Commission in Sri Lanka awarded SL Rs 3 Million worth of educational scholarships to 150 bright Sri Lankan students of O/L and A/L under Jinnah Scholarship Programme 2013.
This is a joke like most jokes from this Joker. With a literacy rate far above Pakistan and a superior Education system they would not like to spoil their "youth" with Rana Mashud and Showbaz show with secret Guinness Records
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