Pakistan Today

It is not the trial of Musharraf

There has been a lot of hue and cry on the trial of Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf by the supporters of autocracy in Pakistan. Beyond doubt all trials should be held fair and free and any miscarriage of justice must not be allowed by the judiciary, the government and the people of Pakistan. And Musharraf deserve that right like all other citizens.

The question here is not about the past performance of Musharraf as a soldier of Pakistan army. The question is whether the constitution should hold supreme or the act of a usurper should be justified under the doctrine of necessity. Admittedly, like all army men, Musharraf served his institution with vigour and zeal because it was his duty and he was paid for it handsomely. This goes as far as his statement in the court is concerned where he has reportedly protested against the trial on the grounds of his past services as a general.

Let us examine the importance of constitution in a society. Constitution is a decision by consensus of the people of a society to formulate certain rules under which the people of country decide to live. Enforcement of the constitution so decided by the people is the only way to preservation, growth and economic sovereignty of the people of that country.



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