It is not the trial of Musharraf


There has been a lot of hue and cry on the trial of Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf by the supporters of autocracy in Pakistan. Beyond doubt all trials should be held fair and free and any miscarriage of justice must not be allowed by the judiciary, the government and the people of Pakistan. And Musharraf deserve that right like all other citizens.

The question here is not about the past performance of Musharraf as a soldier of Pakistan army. The question is whether the constitution should hold supreme or the act of a usurper should be justified under the doctrine of necessity. Admittedly, like all army men, Musharraf served his institution with vigour and zeal because it was his duty and he was paid for it handsomely. This goes as far as his statement in the court is concerned where he has reportedly protested against the trial on the grounds of his past services as a general.

Let us examine the importance of constitution in a society. Constitution is a decision by consensus of the people of a society to formulate certain rules under which the people of country decide to live. Enforcement of the constitution so decided by the people is the only way to preservation, growth and economic sovereignty of the people of that country.




  1. It also should be treasonable offence for anyone who is MNA OR MPA or senators or anyone who is public servant to gain through corruption. In my view corruption is holding back Pakistan and Pakistani people. Their lives are not changing because the corruption is rife in Pakistan. Corruption is bigger crime then to declare state of emergency. Wake up Pakistan.

  2. We are a Manhoos and Beghairat Qaum, who came to know that our Army Chief was a Ghaddar, after he served for 46 years and remained Army Chief for 9 years. Indians are the one who are enjoying this whole circus the most as what the Indians couldn't do, Nawaz Sharif has done after getting payment from his Indian Bania business partners. All Khawajas Buttocks and Dar are business partners of Brothers of Babra Sharif, who got them in In-laws relationship with Saudis. Most interestingly No one is challenging the acquittal of Nawaz Sharif from the charges of Hijacking plan carrying Serving Army Chief along with 187 other passengers and Attempt to murder them all by plane crash due to shortage of fuel or forcing them to land in India. PCO CJ Rana Iftekhar Choudhry, a relative of Nawaz Sharif, acquitted him from all charge. Secondly PCO CJ Iftekhar coaxed general public to frame cases against Musharraf, through his statements in almost all the newspapers, especially JANG. What a democracy?

  3. Mr. Nasirmian is singing the same tune of another Main and his court jesters. There is one more dimension. And that is of vendetta. You have tried to coolly ignore it. Is buying the media like Mian NS also a part of constitution. CJ had made governance impossible. Emergency was necessary in the larger interest. In fact Shoukat Aziz goofed in many ways. First of all applying emergency is not "sangeen ghaddari" as Geo has paraphrased and every body fell in line. But Mr. Nasirmian you cannot do justice through these Kangaroo Courts where the judges are hand picked. But why is it barring the Mubashirs all journalists Punjabi. Punjabis are the only ones who want hos skin. It is Punjabi gardi that had divided the country now what are you doing with these thoughtless actions. You are doing immense damage to the unity of the nation. Stop it and let him go. He came of his own accord. Now retroactively applying a new law is definitely not justice. Mr. Nasirmian remove your colored glasses and see things as they are.

  4. Mr. Nasirmian is singing the same tune of another Main and his court jesters. There is one more dimension. And that is of vendetta. You have tried to coolly ignore it. Is buying the media like Mian NS also a part of constitution. CJ had made governance impossible. Emergency was necessary in the larger interest. In fact Shoukat Aziz goofed in many ways. Why forget him, the Core Commanders and the cabinet? Is this not sham of a justice. Even a child can see it is vendetta pure and simple.

    First of all applying emergency is not "sangeen ghaddari" as Geo has paraphrased and every body fell in line. But Mr. Nasirmian you cannot do justice through these Kangaroo Courts where the judges are hand picked. But why is it barring the Mubashirs all journalists are Punjabi. Punjabis are the only ones who want his skin. It is Punjabi gardi that had divided the country now what are you doing with these thoughtless actions. You are doing immense damage to the unity of the nation.

    Stop it and let him go. He came of his own accord. Now retroactively applying a new law is definitely not justice. Mr. Nasirmian remove your colored glasses and see things as they are.

  5. I wonder how conveniently all the chamchas of Dictator Musharraf ignore the fact that the so-called prosperity in Pakistan was due to heavy influx of US$$$ after 9/11, when Pakistan became frontline state in the “war on terror”.

    Thanks to the one-man show in Pakistan that the Dictator succumbed to one phone call from George Bush (and Musharraf's dictatorship was legitimized as a reward!). On the other hand, countries like Turkey, Iran and Egypt negotiated the best deals in their national interest. More than US$ 25 Billion of their US debt was written off.

    Even the CIA report has acknowledged that the compensation to Pakistan is quite lower than the cost this country is suffering due to the war. After Mush’s departure, even the reimbursement payments under Coalition Support Fund (CSF) are delayed by the USA on one pretext or the other. More than 60,000 Pakistanis have lost their lives in this never-ending war.

    The Musharraf's misadventure of Kargil has been confessed by his former crony General Shahid Aziz (CGS under Musharraf) in his book “Yeh Khamoshi Kahan Tak”.
    Musharraf’s Gang of Four (Mush, Lt Gen Aziz Khan, Lt Gen Mehmood, Maj Gen Javed Hasan) even kept the GHQ out of the loop.

    Army has been unnecessarily dragged in the civilian life with most of the key slots doled out to his cronies in uniform. As a result, corruption cases are pending against the big guns of Railways*, NLC*, DHA* etc.

    The cheap loans available in Pakistan increased the number of cars on roads, without any planning for expansion of roads network, parking places or even increasing fuel requirements. Billions of Ruppees have been stuck up of Pakistani banks after correction in very-low interest rates.

    Musharraf deliberately let the energy crisis** aggravate to make justification for LNG Quota Scam since year 2003 and Rental Power Scam since year 2006 that have collectively looted more than US$ 3 Billion from Pakistan’s economy until they are declared void ab initio by the Supreme Court in 2012.

    This is the time to repent our mistakes, punish the criminal(s) and hope for a new start in the Country with supremacy of the rule of law!

  6. I had posted a comment earlier on but it has not been posted . it is just useless exercise and waste of time to submit any comments . Further more there is no e-mail address to send articles. Is not it a strange thing ? it is a great shame too write to the national papers because their choice remains myopic. No good writings are published at all. Perhaps it is the dilemma of oir nation.

  7. It is infact the trial of the Nation. The people of Pakistan are on trial , and watching this political drama played on and on before their eyes. We can call it trial of the century. Much has been debated on the t.V. shows ,and now we have become sick of this trial. It should end sooner than later to provide relief from the agony.

    we should talk and write about other issues, and let the special court do its job in a free, fair and transparent manner. Justice must be done.

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