And the need to rein in over-enthusiastic individuals
There can be no two opinions about maintaining the dignity of the armed forces which keep round the clock vigilance to defend the national borders. Misunderstandings are however likely to appear in a period of transition from military supremacy to civilian supremacy, all the more so when major institutions are redefining the extent of their scope. What is needed is a delicate balance which cannot be achieved without reining in over-enthusiastic individuals and big mouths.
What COAS Raheel Sharif said during an address at the SSG training centre indicates a sense of hurt. There is a need on the part of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to tread more carefully than he did in the past while dealing with the army. Even more important is to keep on a tight leash the less responsible elements around him, some of whom were instrumental in exacerbating the civil-military tensions in the past. The way an overzealous and secretive interior minister is trying to win over the Taliban has created a perception of the government having capitulated to the terrorists. The way the Taliban prisoners were released led to an unhappy situation where the Prime Minister House was saying one thing, the interior ministry another and the tribal administration still another. This strengthened the impression that one hand of the government doesn’t know what the other is doing. The Prime Minister House had to subsequently issue a statement rectifying the position taken in the earlier statement. Soon it appeared that the army which had suffered heavy casualties in its efforts to nab the terrorists was not consulted before the release. This has created an anomalous situation where the opposition is siding on the issue with the army while the advocates of capitulation have gathered around the government. There is a need on the part of the PM to rein in the overenthusiastic supporters of talks.
The army needs to realise that a handful of black sheep in its own ranks have played no small part in sullying the name of the institution. Included in the category are not only the Bonapartist military rulers but also those who misused their authority, overstepped laws and those who are widely seen to have looted national wealth. It would raise the image of the army instead of downgrading it if it was to welcome their treatment in accordance with the law.
While Gen Sharif might have had genuine complaints the best way would have been to take them up with the prime minister confidentially instead of going public on them. The country can ill-afford any perception of division between the armed forces and the government. This would adversely affect the economy and scare away the investors.
How can you have civilian supremacy, when civilians have so blatantly abused the system? If the civilians, were supreme, state owned enterprises would have been profitable, we would have been top 3 in hockey and squash, our reserves would be an all time high, a large number of wealthy would have been paying taxes. We all know that a several parliamentarians got voted in via fake votes, we all know that the wealthiest parliamentarians do not pay tax, we all know, that competent government servants have been sidelined, we all know that state institutions have been destroyed by politicians. What supremacy are you talking about? When you talk about military supremacy, they indeed have a professional system of promotion, like it or not, they got the defense impregnable, they are the ones who have laid lives for the country. Yes there is military supremacy.
Well said!
This nation deserves the kind of leadership it is getting. It is devine retribution for us as a people who are not only ungratefull but begotted and selfish. We do not appriciate the sacrifices given for our safety by our Army, Police etc and are always willing to side with the extremist and corrupt for our own petty interests. We cannot face facts and have to hide behind the blame others for all our misdeeds mentality. We dont have the courage to look inwards and see the rot within but are always ready to pass judgement on others. May God forgive us our sins and may we be able to mend our ways for our future generations.
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