Standing committee approves National Security Act Bill


The National Assembly’s standing committee for interior has approved the Amended National Security Act Bill by majority, while it was also jointly opposed by PPP, PTI, MQM, JI and JUI-F.

The in-camera session of the committee, convened by Rana Shamim on Tuesday also witnessed spats between PML-N’s Tehmina Daultana and MQM’s parliamentarians over opposing the bill.

PML-N’s Tehmina Daultana’s statement against MQM’s opposition of any National Security Bill was by MQM on grounds that any such security bill was always used against the MQM since the “bill rather empowered abductions of citizens at will, rather than providing any security for citizens,” MQM MPs said.

Tehmina Daultana reacted angrily to the MQM’s reservations citing equal sufferings by the PML-N, while other members intervened timely to ward of any escalation of the conflict.

JUI-F’s opposition of the bill stemmed from reservations about government not taking Maulana Fazl into confidence; while PTI’s Arif Alvi had reservations over numerous sections of the bill, which were promised amendments at the time of debating the bill in Parliament.

Arif Alvi was critical of Armed Forces being given right of arresting citizens, who were subject to civil arrests only. He was also critical of the Section according to which the government had right to relocate the case from regular courts to ‘special courts’.

Talking to reporters, State Minister for Interior Baleeghur Rehman said that a few amendments had been introduced after a consensus with opposition, in order to enhance the bill.

Replying to a question, he also quoted the Article 10 of the Constituation, according to which every citizen has been provided full security and safety; assuring that no legislation contrary to the Constitution would be carried out.

He also brushed out fears of abduction of citizens and relocation of any cases to anti-terrorism and special courts, without any profound logical reasons; while he was also critical of opposition to bill without comprehending it, properly.