Egypt arrests Morsi aide daughter


Egypt’s security forces arrested daughter of a former aide to ousted president Mohamed Morsi at her home in Cairo, in early hours of Sunday, a student group said.

The pro-Morsi students group “Against The Coup” said in a statement that security forces arrested Karima al-Serafi – daughter of Ayman al-Serafi who served as Morsi’s aide for information affairs – at her home in eastern Cairo in the wee hours of Sunday, Anadolu news agency reported.

Morsi, the ousted elected president of Egypt is under detention on allegations of murder. The military leader Abdal Fattah al-Sissi is set to get himself elected as the president of the country in the coming weeks.

Last week, the Egyptian Kangaroo court sentenced supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi for their alleged role in the murder of a single police officer in the southern city of Minya last August. In addition to the murder, the 529 defendants were accused of attempting to kill two other police officers and attacking a police station.