CJP asked to save Pindiites from acute water scarcity


Billions minted from masses by developers illegally: Colonel Tariq

Former director engineering DHA Islamabad Lt. Col. M Tariq Kamal (Retired) has asked the Chief Justice Pakistan to take note of the construction activities on the site reserved for a dam to fulfil the future needs of people of Rawalpindi.

The site of Daducha Dam has been grabbed by the developers who have sold plots worth billions to unsuspecting masses while denying masses of Rawalpindi of water facility.

In a statement issued here today, Colonel Tariq Kamal said that Thar-like drought situation in the making in Rawalpindi within next few years as availability of water will be reduced dramatically soon, he said.

He said that some foreign experts had pointed out that Rawal Dam is to complete its life soon while the requirement of Rawalpindi is expected to touch 80 million gallon per day in the next twenty years therefore a dam at DaduchaVillage should be constructed immediately.

Subsequently, the Punjab Government decided to construct a dam on that site to provide 25 million gallon water to the Rawalpindi on daily basis for next 50 years but the plan could not be materialised as some influential developers stepped in.

Funds were allocated and efforts were initiated to acquire 1800 acres of land for the dam but the land was grabbed while Punjab Government preferred to ignore massive construction activity which is not only unfortunate as will leave millions insecure.

The top government functionaries have colluded with the land mafia which is keeping them mum as the political cost of inaction by Punjab Government would be beyond imagination.

He asked Chief Justice to take corrective steps disregarding political considerations to save millions of lives as water table in the twin cities has already receded to an extent that many have to buy water to support life.

Known developer Malik Riaz who wasted no time to serve the people of Thar should also help people of Rawalpindi to enjoy water security, he demanded.



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