Flight MH 270


I am surprised and shocked at the manner in which US media is sensationalising a human tragedy, involving lives of 239 souls. Any accident where an aircraft is not located for such a long time can definitely be declared missing with a 99.9% surety that a fatal crash has occurred with no survivors. The cause of crash could either be alluded to ‘unauthorised illegal entry’ into cockpit of a terrorist, or an aircraft ‘multi-system failure’. We don’t know as to what led to the failure of emergency locator installed on B777, which is required to transmit its geographical location through a satellite in case of a crash in sea to help recover the aircraft or its debris, and lack of possible backup systems.

Every aircraft in post 9/11 era is fitted with enforced cockpit entry doors that can only be opened through digital code pressed by authorised cabin crew, with pilots having the final authority to either open the door or keep it closed.

It is the responsibility of the airline operator or state regulatory authority to enforce strict discipline by giving exemplary punishments such as dismissal/license cancellation, if door is left open or an unauthorised person is allowed entry into the cockpit. Airlines are required to carry out routine periodic psychiatric evaluations, medical fitness and proficiency checks of pilots, which MAS must be doing.

Media must give time to investigators to focus on task assigned instead of indulging in speculations and adding to woes of next of kin of those unfortunate passengers.


Texas, USA


    • Issue is with Boeing company and it's PR department which is blaming everybody, other than considering that some mechanical or avionics error could have led to this fatal emergency.

  1. @Malik Tariq Ali,you are a moron,get your heading right first of all as the top comment suggests,you are giving Texas a bad name you idiot.Please remove your head from your rare end and stop writing BWAHAHAHAH

  2. He is no authority to talk about as to ehat happened to the ill fated aircraft. He himself is indulging in all kind of speculations, but want the media to put a lid on its reporting.

    What kind of logic is that. Bye the way what is he doing in Texas. Spying or writing B.S .Go enjoy the sight seeing or get something out of this trip to eastern border.

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