Pakistan Today

PM announces commission for safety of journalists


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said Pakistan has decided to establish a commission to evolve recommendations for journalists’ protection.
He was talking to Kati Marton, the widow of late US envoy Richard Holbrooke and executive member of the Council for Protection of Journalists (CPJ), along with a four member delegation of CPJ who called on him at the PM’s House on Wednesday.
The premier said that journalists were a vibrant part of the society and provision of safe and secure environment to them is government’s responsibility.
Nawaz said that in order to provide more secure environment to the mediapersons, commission would consist of mediapersons, public figures and government members to propose measures to be adopted by the government to protect journalists in the field and ensure their well being.
PM said, “I want to make Pakistan a journalist’s friendly country where not only local but international media feels safe and secure during their professional assignments.”
He said that the commission will also suggest ways and means to effectively oversee/monitor prosecution of crimes against journalists. He lauded the role of Pakistani media in strengthening democratic institutions and restoration of judiciary.
Nawaz said the government was trying its best to ensure that the criminals and terrorists accused of killing journalist will be arrested and brought to justice.
He also praised late Holbrooke for his role as a peacemaker in Bosnia and also called him a friend of Pakistan.

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