Questions about foreign policy


With main one being if we even have a policy

Despite being in power for nine months the PML-N government has still not been able to formulate a policy that could improve relations with neighbours. Despite Nawaz Sharif’s claim that victory in polls was a mandate for peace with India, there has been little improvement in relations. The issue of giving India MFN status remains still unresolved. The Pak-Afghan relations remain as estranged as ever. Last week Karzai again told the United States it could bring peace to Afghanistan if it went after terrorist sanctuaries and countries that supported terrorism, a clear reference to Pakistan. Pakistan’s relations with Iran which had improved considerably under the previous government suddenly nosedived when Pakistan and Saudi Arabia expressed similarity of views on regional issues. Iran thinks that the Saudi regional agenda aims at isolating and targeting Iran.

Sartaj Aziz has admitted that maintaining the balance in relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran was a tricky affair. Many think what is being done is the opposite of creating a balance. Nawaz Sharif has already visited Saudi Arabia. The COAS was in Riyadh for three days. Neither the PM nor the COAS have cared to go to Iran. The vow to maintain a balance loses credibility after the “grant” of $1.5 billion followed immediately by an about turn in Pakistan’s policy on Syria. Few would buy Aziz’s argument that the new stand on Syria does not imply a demand for regime change. After meetings held with the Saudi Crown Prince in Islamabad last month the FO expressed support for the formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers enabling it to take charge of the affairs of the country. If this does not imply an agreement on change of regime, what else does?

Aziz has promised that Pakistan-made arms would not land in Arab conflict zones. How can this be ensured once the weapons are handed over to a party fully focused on the overthrow of Bashar al Assad and is openly supporting extremist groups fighting the Syrian army? It is a common practice among countries to supply weapons purchased with due end user certificates secretly to warring factions of their choice in civil wars. The shoulder fired anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles may even fall into the hands of Pakistani Taliban who would not hesitate to use them against Pakistan air force and army.

Pakistan’s failure to launch military operation against the foreign militants could damage the country’s ties with China also. The attacks by secessionist groups in China have of late increased manifold. Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has expressed concern over the threat by the Uighur militants reportedly based in areas on Pakistan’s side of the Afghan border.


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  2. It is usually said that foreign policy of a country is an extension of it's domestic policy.Pakistan's domestic policy is swinging like a pendulum. In this has uncle Saud stepped in quietly to help but soon the Pakistanis rejoiced at the hand out. No aid is without strings and a pound of flesh is always asked for indirectly by all the patrons of pakistan. Pakistan's relations have been for unknown reasons strained with Iran. Not many reciprocal visits have taken place between the two countries. The issue of a pipe line between the two countries has been a nonstarter even though the pipeline has reached the iranian border. Pakistan cannot defy the Superpower of the day USA and now Saudi Arabia. The issue is placed on ice despite the former pres. Zardari's visit to Iran. Now pakistan's foreign policy has become middel east centric (a form of proxy for other states). We are fishing in troubled waters and are going to end up by indirect confrontaion with Iran and Russia. Take care before our fingers are burnt. Let us put our house in order before we enter the boiling cauldron of middel East. The public square is fickle as the arab spring has taught us. There must be something wrong with our policy that all the three contigious neighbours are each others friends rather than us esp Afghanistan where we have shed, blood ,sweat and tears to no avail.

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