The Thar catastrophe


Drought, which is a normal feature in Tharparkar, has been a source of constant threat to the lives of the down-trodden and vulnerable residents of the area. Tharparkar, as known to everyone, has always been in a state of utter neglect. Successive governments that have come to the citadel of power, over six and a half decades of country’s existence, have been least concerned about the utterly dismal living conditions of the residents of this godforsaken region of Sindh.

People residing in the deserts of Thar have encountered the menace of drought time and again. Hundreds of men, women and children have lost their valuable lives over the past so many years. Yet again, this menace has taken a heavy toll on the lives of down to the core oppressed residents of the area, particularly the children. Pakistan’s media, quoting information disseminated by the Mitthi Taluka Hospital (MTH), over hundred children have so far become unfortunate victims of the deadly menace of drought in a short span of just three months. However, the figure quoted by those in position of authority in the province vis-à-vis the fatalities is roughly half the number quoted by MTH. Unfortunately, as reported in the media, 32 children died in the month of February alone in the area, due to severe malnutrition. According to figures furnished by MTH, more or less 38 children admitted in the referenced hospital had died of undernourishment in December 2013. Forty two lost their lives in January 2014, and 36 and 5 deaths occurred in February and March 2014 respectively.

The scenario depicted above is not only distressing but also pitiful. The administration, both at provincial and federal level, has sprung up to the latest situation in Tharparkar with unparalleled concern and a sense of urgency. The Pakistan Army, as always, has swiftly moved to deal with the crisis that has menacingly overwhelmed the region causing deaths of a large number of innocent children due to starvation. It has mobilized its medical team and other paraphernalia to provide relief to the devastated Thar community. To demonstrate his personal concern over the tragic state of affairs in Thar and see the measures that were being taken to address the predicaments of the calamity-struck residents of the area, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif also visited Thar and announced an interim relief of Rs1 billion for the affected people of Thar. All this hullaballoo and show of concern may be worthy of appreciation, however the fact remains that this is nothing unusual because that is how matters as crucial as the recent Thar catastrophe and the like have always been dealt with in this country. Sincere endeavors will have to be made by those at the citadel power to get out of this adhoc and totally nonprofessional style of governance if we are to ensure sustained and equitable development of all the regions of the country. If this is not done on war footing, elimination of poverty in the country will always remain a far cry. Catastrophe such as the one that has recently struck Thar, or catastrophes of even greater magnitude, may continue to occur and cause greater devastation in the future.





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  2. Building a canal for Thar is not the problem, the problem is to find water for the canal, the total water available for irrigation in the country is barely sufficient for the Kharif and Rabi crops, we urgently need more water and that only another dam can supply, can the people of Thar wait 10 to 12 years while Bhasha dam is completed when they can have the same water in 4 to 5 years time.

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