Pakistan Today

Defending the un-defendable

An analyst said on TV that he did not approve the way the nurses have been treated, but he also did not approve the way these nurses treated their patients. I could not agree more with him.

I am reminded of my experience with CMH Rawalpindi of many years ago. During the Ayub period one felt as if one had walked into a hospital in UK, but during the Bhutto period one immediately knew that one was in Pakistan.

A Pakistan where discipline had been thrown out of the window, not only in the hospitals but everywhere else, and for every one person who worked there were four or more who did no work. This was the new work ethics.

We are still suffering from the fall out of those populist policies but there are those who are ever ready to defend the un-defendable. They even oppose the present government’s efforts to make some sense out of the nonsense that the public sector enterprises have become.

Will we ever get out from under Bhutto’s shadow?



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