Stay the course now


The government finally takes the decision it should have taken months ago

After chasing all types of will-o’-the-wisps the government has finally taken the only rational course available which many had been advocating since the PML-N’s resumption of power in June 2013. The cabinet has told the Pakistani Taliban to stop terrorist activities forthwith and unconditionally. It has also decided to continue the targeted strikes meanwhile. The prime minister has announced that his government would establish the writ of the state all over the country and at all costs. He has conceded albeit reluctantly that this is the only way to restore peace and put an end to the crescendoing wave of bloodshed.

The government has taken too long to make up its mind regarding how to deal with the terrorists. Thus it wasted eight precious months. Instead of providing leadership it blindly followed the religious parties and those in the PML-N who shared their extremist mindset. The interior minister who had all the information about those launching terrorist attacks, hesitated to name the terrorist networks and ruled out any solution other than peace talks. He even closed his eyes to the gruesome results that followed from the PML-N’s policy of appeasement. The data released by military sources last week showed that since Sept 10 last year, following the APC, 460 innocent people — 308 civilians, 114 soldiers and 38 policemen — died in terrorist acts throughout the country. The rejection of military operation for talks alone was a one way ticket to disaster that indicated a lack of strategic vision. It was forgotten that once the NATO troops were out of Afghanistan the TTP was likely to be used as a strategic weapon against Pakistan by the contenders of powers like the Afghan Taliban, Al Qaeda and possibly the Afghan government. The war against terrorism can be won only if the US and Pakistan collaborate to fight the common enemy. The ongoing attempts at joint planning and mutual assistance should continue. Talks with any terrorist group must be delayed till it is willing to renounce violence and announces unreserved allegiance to the constitution.

The government needs to follow the new policy single-mindedly. Mian Nawaz Sharif should take parliament into confidence and lead the nation in the fight against terrorism. No military operation can be successful unless it is supported by the masses and the elected government. The federal government has to create and sustain the structures of civilian administration in areas liberated by the military from terrorists. This would fill the administrative vacuum created after the elimination of the tribal chiefs and jirgas by the TTP. The revival of the civilian structures of administration would also relieve the army from a function which is not its cup of tea.

The government should urgently invigorate the special committee created for handling the IDPs from the affected agencies, particularly North Waziristan from where the tribal people have already started shifting to safer places.