Pakistan Today

Sweet talks

It is over a month that the entire nation is watching with keen interest the so called talks between the nominated teams of banned TTP and the government. The intelligentsia of the country was already quite skeptical about the outcome of these talks for the following reasons. One, the nominated team members of TTP are not the actual Taliban/ terrorists. Two, there are many groups within the Taliban who have their own agendas and may not agree with the outcome of talks. Three, the TTP does not represent any state as they are non state actors and are just a bunch of thugs. Four, their pre-Talk conditions are not acceptable to Pakistan Govt and our condition to hold talks within the constitution of Pakistan is not acceptable to them. Five, they themselves do not follow any Shariah and what Shariah they want us to enforce in the country.The other important point of concern is that we have already accepted our defeat by inviting them for Peace Talks. This has put them at an advantageous position to dictate their terms or perhaps to gain time to regroup. Though the peace talks have started , they have not stopped their activities of brutal killings by bomb blasts and suicidal attacks. This shows that they are not serious about having peace in the country. The intelligentsia strongly feels that they should be dealt with a heavy hand and not by holding sweet talks, the language which they would never understand. It is an effort in futile and would only benefit them.Pakistan should go for surgical operations against them through effective intelligence network.Their supply routes should be blocked by getting help from Afghan Government. These handful miscreants should be cordoned and sorted out in the language they understand. We should not be complacent anymore and should be ruthless in dealing with them. No more Sweet Talks please, we have already suffered a lot and cannot lift any more coffins.



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