‘A future without water’


Adnan Falak in his column ‘A future without water’ has drawn a picture of Pakistan as a country without water, the Himalaya glaciers having melted, where people facing power and water shortages line up for hours to purchase imported flour, rice, vegetables and water.

He based this on the Asian Development Outlook which says Pakistan is one of the most water-stressed countries in the world, not far from being classified as water scarce’, with less than 1,000 cubic meters available per person per year, and a storage capacity dangerously low at 30 days.

He continues, with the population of our country soaring to 256 million by 2030 and doubling by 2050, we would be experiencing enormous water stress in coming years. The first casualty of this impending water scarcity will be our agriculture sector. Across Pakistan, hundreds of cities and thousands of small towns are driven by agricultural activity. Any disruption in agriculture would have deadly implications for our economic viability and national security.

In the end he has stressed better management of our water resources. I wish he had noticed that the copious flows of tributaries of the Indus, namely Kabul, Chictral, Swat, Kuram, Siren, Haro and Soan are not being stored to provide millions of acre feet (maf) of water for irrigation and thousands of megawatts of power. Can the country afford this neglect and still hope for a better future?




  1. Sindh being lowere riparian must get its due share of water that is, unfortunately not being done on one or another pretext. Consequently, Indus delta – sixth largest in the world in on verge of death emerging enviormental disaster. This was done because mandatory limited water was not released in downstream Kotri in Sindh as envisaged in Water Accord 1991. Highhanded on one province against Sindh, must stop now.

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