The TTP: Determined to kill


With everybody who is anybody in PML-N defending the terrorists

While the government has done little other than commending the TTP’s willingness to hold talks, militants continue to launch one attack after another. During the last two days they have bombed a cinema hall in Peshawar killing 13, brutally murdered nine members of a peace volunteer’s family in the suburbs of KP’s capital city and shot a constable in DIK who was escorting a polio team. A suicide bomber in Karachi rammed an explosives-laden vehicle into a police bus killing 19. According to a media report, 313 people have died in 17 KP attacks since September 9 APC call for talks. The government has so far done nothing other than sending cordial messages to the TTP negotiators. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has expressed satisfaction over what he prefers to call ‘progress’ in negotiations. Every TTP attack draws the same response from Ch Nisar: the act has been committed by the enemies of talks who remain unidentified like Rehman Malik’s ‘secret hand’ that he saw behind every terrorist act. Every attack strengthens Nisar’s resolve to continue the dialogue. And he is not alone in the party. Raja Zafarul Haq is unwilling to accuse the TTP for the ongoing killings. On Thursday he said ‘certain neighbouring countries’ were using their agents to destabilise Pakistan and de-track the government’s ongoing dialogue process with the TTP. How long can the people put up with cover up of the sort? With everyone in the administration defending the TTP, the people are left with none to provide them security. What is the government meant for then?

Talking to media in Ankara the PM said Taliban had assured of action against those who had committed acts of terrorism in recent days. Meanwhile the TTP has said or done nothing of the sort. The latest from Shahidullah Shahid was the rant about capturing the state power. Mullah Fazlullah who is leading TTP has all the qualities to lead the Pakistani nation, he said. He also reiterated that TTP wanted to establish Sharia in Pakistan. The Taliban’s 50-minute video released on February 2 on their media wing’s website threatened the Ismailis while issuing an ultimatum to the Kalash tribe in Kafiristan to embrace Islam or face extermination.

What is the relevance of talks when the TTP continues to kill innocent citizens and threatens with genocide one minority sect after another? The negotiating team appointed by the government has written yet another letter to its counterpart nominated by the TTP. The other side has probably been told to fulfill its promise to stop those on the killing rampage and avoid provocative statements. The man holding the gun and determined to kill would hardly care for the whining of the unarmed supplicant, as the government presents itself to be.