‘Dialogue of the deaf’


Reference Arif Nizami’s article ‘Dialogue of the deaf’. While negotiations are best way to resolve issues, but takes two to tango. It is not possible to achieve results, if one side continues to target and kill at will, while asking other, to cease all operations against elements, whom constitution considers to be criminals, or even worse challenging writ of state. The unfortunate irony is that even in such times, few retired khakis and self-assumed defense analyst, in their enthusiasm to claim immunity for Musharraf, have taken recourse to arguments that to save state, constitution can be violated, as if being armed gives them such divine right.

By a strange coincidence, Taliban have assumed unto themselves right to solely interpret Sharia, as they deem fit, even if such an interpretation contradicts that held by large majority of peaceful Muslims and ulema. The government nominated team headed by Irfan Siddiqui, a columnist of repute, seems to be unfamiliar with art of negotiations, for he got carried away after first meeting, giving a statement raising hopes and expectations, although real talks have not even begun. It would be far better, if both sides, remain aloof from media, especially government team. Any statement to be issued should be done by an official, not part of negotiating team.

The Sharia practiced during life of Holy Prophet (PBUH) does not give right to any Muslim to kill their adversaries, just because of difference in opinion. Nowhere in Islam is it allowed to abduct innocent human beings for ransom, or indulge in unlawful trade to raise funds for warfare, nor is it allowed even in war to harm citizens, neither is it allowed to recruit child soldiers for warfare, or their brainwashing for carrying out suicide missions outside battle arena, targeting unarmed men, women and children.

Islam teaches tolerance for dissent, right of women to marry their choice, prohibits murder or torture of prisoners of war. Religion and faith are between individuals and Almighty and society has right to intervene only when transgressions of what Holy Book prohibit are done openly, posing a threat to society and infringes upon rights of others, not when arms bearing men assume to themselves right to impose their will upon state, challenging its writ and weakening its Defense capability against external aggression, such as attacks on Kamra base etc.

