Anything for Kashmir


Politicians join hands to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir

Activists and leaders belonging to different political parties came together to express their solidarity with the people of Kashmir on Wednesday.

A massive rally to celebrate the day was joined, in significant numbers, by the workers of Pakistan Muslim League, Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan, Jamiat e Ulema e Islam, Jamaat e Islami, Awami Muslim League and others.

The rally after passing through different parts of the metropolis reached Karachi Press Club and the participants were addressed by Syed Shabbir Shah of Kashmir Hurriyat Conference via telephone.

The Hurriyat leader said the people of Kashmir were committed to the cause of their freedom and were fully conscious of the massive support of common Pakistanis towards people of Kashmir.

“We are passing through a crucial phase and the sincerity of purpose reflected by our supporters in Pakistan is a source of great solace and strength,” he said.

Shabbir Shah said Muslim world in general was exposed to serious situation and it was high time that followers of Islam join hands and help each other against atrocities committed in any part of the world.

Saleem Zia of Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), Hafiz Naim ur Rehman of Jammat e Islami, Mohammad Siddiq Rathore of Jamiat e Ulema e Pakistan, Mehfooz Yar Khan of Awami Muslim league and others on the occasion said no compromise could be made in settling the issue of Kashmir.

Saleem Zia of PML-N reiterating his government’s absolute support for Kashmir cause said Muslims in the present times needed to be extremely cautious ensuring that their genuine issues are hijacked by unscrupulous elements.

“We will not and cannot draw from the due rights, however, simultaneously need to adopt a responsible attitude in our fight to achieve our genuine goals,” he said.

Hafiz Abdur Rehman Makki of Jamaat e Daawa said large responsibility lies upon Muslim world, particularly Pakistan to extend optimum moral support to the Kashmiris exposed to atrocities committed by occupants of the state.

He said the issue must also be regularly highlighted at different international forums and that unflinching support must be extended to the Kashmiri brethren till they success to achieve independence.

Hafiz Naimur Rehman took exception to measures for granting special status to a neighbouring country and demanded that a plebiscite must be conducted in Jammu Kashmir prior to any cordial relationship with specific reference to trade and business contacts.

Mehfooz Yar Khan referred to the alleged water terrorism Pakistan was presently exposed to mentioning that timely settlement of Kashmir issue could had helped the country to avoid the situation.