Nawaz, Imran have let down the people, says Bilawal



Pakistan People’s Party Patron in Chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chief Imran Khan have let down the people of Pakistan by not backing a military operation against militant insurgents of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

“Perhaps they are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome,” said the Bhutto heir in an interview to the British daily newspaper, The Guardian.

“There is no reason why the national leaders, the so-called leaders, should not speak out against people who are murdering our citizens, murdering our armed forces and claiming responsibility,” he continued.

Bilawal lamented over the politicians’ reluctance to identify TTP as the culprits behind suicide attacks that have killed thousands in Pakistan.

“This is why people like Malala become targets because the politicians, or the so-called leaders of this country, can’t find the courage to speak out when a 16-year-old girl could. If we all speak in one voice, they can’t kill us all,” he said.

Bilawal expressed his full backing for a military operation against TTP, but he added, with the cooperation of Afghanistan.

“There is no point of us launching an operation over here if they are just going to hop across the border and find sanctuary over there,” he said, adding, “The ideal situation would be an operation from both sides at the same time.”

In the interview, the PPP leader also expressed his exasperation when the PM announced to pursue dialogue with the TTP instead of resorting to an operation.

“It is extremely frustrating, not just for me but for the people who risk their lives on a daily basis, for the people who die on a daily basis.”


  1. Shameproof son of killer and dacoit . Ask from this tansgender why he Tag Bhutto with his real name because his father has no status . This man mentally sick and just visit around the interior Sindh how this boy father slaves the lives of Sindhi and who killed Mir Murtaza Bhutto?

  2. And what have u, your dad and so called ministers did in ur tenure to overcome this ? nothing except corruption and aimless destinations
    You should support , if not , stay quiet Mr. BB

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