Curse of terrorism


The constitution of Pakistan forbids private militias, armed groups who terrorize citizens, kill citizens, collect extortion, forcibly occupy private property etc, yet few in elected executive, paid public servants or members of sensitive institutions have assumed unto themselves right to ignore constitution, justifying such acts on grounds of their distorted version of national interest or state security objectives.

This country, its corrupt bureaucracy, police, immigration, custom, border and coast guards, together with greedy political and military dictators have provided perfect breeding environment over past few decades for curse of terrorism to gain a foothold in this country. Today terrorism, more than anybody else, is biggest threat to security of Pakistan. Our external enemies don’t have to waste billions in direct conventional conflict, all they need to do is fund few gangs, destroy our internal security mechanism, bribe corrupt machinery, damage our essential military installations, and create an environment where economy comes to a standstill and sectarian and ethnic strife damage our unity.

The writ of state was challenged when over 200 policemen were killed in target killings by known members of politically backed criminal mafia, which collected extortion, with capacity to cripple our nation’s economic hub. The seeds for terrorism were sown, when foreign criminals were allowed to enter at will, and depart when they so desired, after they had carried out a crime. Terrorists, who exploit religion, to recruit poor, whose parents cannot afford private schools, the state having forfeited this obligation, have opened few madrassahs, where they brainwash these illiterates, making them believe that suicide bombers would enter heaven. With criminal gangs earning billions in Karachi, this was incitement for terrorists to follow suit.

No sovereign country would tolerate killing uniformed person on duty, while in Pakistan, under Musharraf and than PPP, murders of policemen were ignored for short term political gains. Writ Of Law was subdued and terrorists, using religion started attacking our sensitive military installation, indulged in jail breaks, while state, failed to perform its constitutional obligation to protect lives and property of citizens. What can you expect when funds allocated for counter terrorism were spent on entertainment etc but not on fighting terrorism.




  1. Prine Minister Nawaz Sharif formed a four member committee to arrange for the talks with the terrorists.He announced that the government has reched at a clear decision and plan to effectively deal wuth the terrorism. We want to give Peace another chance. I know that , if we decided to initiate action against the terrorists , the whole nation would have stood with us.

    In the national assembly , he gave the Policy speech on terrorism and dialogue with the Talibans.he said , choosing peace is not choice, but a destination. terrorism and dialogues can not go along together. Pakistan to Saudi Arabia the religious scholars agree that terrorism has no place in Islam. If some one kills without ant reason , then it is the duty of the State to redress the situation. We are not going to let the terrorists take the country as a hostage to their activities.

    The Policy Statement given by him in the Nationa; Assembly is certainly the clear vision of the government.It has transpired that the government has finally decided to solve this issue . Although for the last few days the information has been circulating after the continous terrorist attacks , that military action was imminent. Final decision has been made to initiate military action with full force.

    But due to the recent offer by the Talibans to negotiate with the government , P.M has shown the political wisdom , and formed a four member Committee for talks.

    The Committee comprises of Irfan Siddiqui, Rahim Yousaf zai, Rustam Shah, and Maj. Aamir . P>M announced their names himsel in the N.A session. The analysts have placed confidence in the committtee members. Ch. Nisar would assist the committee in its task. One of the spokesperson of Faal Ullah , commander of the TTP has said that, We are serious about the talks., and the government has for the forst time shown seriousness to hold talks by appointing the committee.

    the committee should be co,pletely rempowered to take decisions on the talks.

    MQM has expressed its reservations on the talks , where as PPP has asked the P.M to explain the results of the earlier tslks. But JUI(F) and PTI have favored talks with them. The majority of analysts have opined that in the present conditions, there was no better option than talks, because Talibans have indicated their intent to have talks with them. the Talibans have been saying that the government has been trying to impose war on the tribal people. Talibans have claimed the responsibility of `all the attacks on the onnocent citizens, men women and children. After the statement of the Talibans , their supporters have we,comed the decision for talks. those who have been opposing military action , would have created immense problems in these circumstances.

    the P.M in his Policy Statement not only gave the resons about giving Peace another Chance, he talked about the criminal activities of of the terrorists were not an excuse for drone strikes, but deliberate actions. We must pray for the success of the talks.

  2. Prine Minister Nawaz Sharif formed a four member committee to arrange for the talks with the terrorists.He announced that the government has reched at a clear decision and plan to effectively deal wuth the terrorism. We want to give Peace another chance. I know that , if we decided to initiate action against the terrorists , the whole nation would have stood with us.

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