Hollande may be parting ways with partner post scandal



French President Francois Hollande is expected to announce his separation from partner Valerie Trierweiler on Saturday after media frenzy over allegations he is having an affair with an actress, according to a French weekly newspaper.
According to Journal du Dimanche, Trierweiler, 48, Hollande’s partner since 2006, will be travelling to India on Sunday for a charity trip and the president wants to settle the issue of their future before her departure/

“The press release from the Elysee Palace should be released sometime today,” the periodical said on its website, without citing its sources.
A spokesman for the president declined to comment on the report.



  1. The new aircraft was reportedly built by Northrop Grumann, the company behind the Global Hawk and the X-47B drones, which landed on air craft carriers for the first time this summer.

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