Govt to take difficult decisions on terrorism, PM informs COAS


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif phoned Chief of Army Staff General (COAS) Raheel Sharif on Monday following Rawalpindi attack.

Sources said that PM Sharif and General Raheel discussed security situation in the country and expressed concern over a sudden rise in the incidents of terrorism.

The high-level contact was established also in the backdrop of a crucial meeting of the federal cabinet later today in which national security policy to deal with terrorism is likely to be finalised.

Speaking to Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif Monday expressed his grief over today’s bomb blast near the General Head Quarters (GHQ), adding that the government has decided to take difficult decisions in order to establish peace in the country.

During the telephonic conversation with the COAS, the prime minister said he shared the grief of the dead soldiers’ families and the efforts to exterminate terrorism would continue.

The premier also told the army chief that the cabinet members would gather and discuss the internal security situation of the country.

Nawaz added that a bill on the issue of national security would be discussed in the cabinet meeting and adopted soon.

Moreover, the premier and the army chief also discussed the offer of talks with militant organisation Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).


  1. The Government can only discuss the issue and finalise the policy.. this statement has been in circulation for quite a long time… TTP has emerged with its full strength and now started dictating the government. what worst can be expected from the current situation.

    • it seems Govt is indecisive, doesn't know or have the courage to take practical steps. My be still enjoying there honeymoon of election victory while whole country is looking towards them to take decisions and implement it.

  2. Dear Prime Minister what is so difficult about starting an immediate operation to rid this Scum from our country, most of the TTP murderes are not even Pakistanis the are a bunch of rented brainwashed MOB. So lets drive them out of our country to wherever they came from.

  3. If the PM has finally had enough of this charade of so called "talks" with mass murderers perhaps some progress can now be made against these terrorists…if he is serious I am sure he can ask for help from the USA and will receive it…

    • I think Pakistan has the capability to deal with these fellows doesn't need any outside help. Needs will power and change of laws

  4. This is democracy,dynasty clans,looters.Democracy brings lawlessness,laziness and lack of jobs and development.Still the uneducated goons calls for democracy so that they get elected and bring in their inefficient family members to the rule and loot the country together.Hang the convicts,shoot at sight orders,no arrest just kill on the spot to make a judgment and stop the crimes there itself.

  5. If such act continúes…..this govt will not lást long…..máx upto june 14… do not complain PML N trolls…..

  6. Pakistan needs Nawaz Sharif as a PM as much as a submarine needs a screen door. The guy is illiterate, coward and corrupt. Has no decision making power. Although he commands a 600,000 strong nuclear armed forces, he is begging for peace and talks. What does that tell us about the strength and bravery of our troops? Media is just as much to be blamed for Nawaz's in ept govt for not highlighting his failures on a daily basis.

  7. Times like this we need strong military leadership – like musharraf. Not weak diplomacy. At least during general musharraf a time ttp, Americas drones, the Indians and he afghans wear all under Control

  8. incompetent,money hungry ,corrupt sharif and company,its sumbandi munshis is solely responmsible for all such deaths,loss of lives,propertty of civil and military men,children and women.this iis not government,it is just a commercial corporation of few putrified trillionaires ruioining country for its money crazy,hungry goals.

  9. incompetent nawaz and cronies ,inept political appointies nolegal framework to deal with terrorist.not a single terrorist bought to justice while women children and security personnel die. A hundred of the ttp terrorists should have been hanged promptly. What do you expect from a leader who says invest in Pakistan yet has all his wealth outside in foreign lands. By the way how did he transfer his wealth abroad he didnt earn it.

  10. – – – – – And that tough decision is to Nominate Sami-ulHaq, Munawwar Hasan and Hameed Gul – The mentors and inventors of Taleban Terrorists – to negotiate on government behalf.

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