Court adjourns treason case till Monday -Musharraf’s doctor refuses to appear before Pak court


Special Court on Friday turned down the request of symbolic arrest of former president General (r) Pervez Musharraf.

A three-member bench headed by Justice Faisal Arab resumed hearing the case during which defense lawyer Anwar Mansoor argued that the decision to impose emergency on November 3 wasn’t taken by Musharraf alone, and all others involved in the case were being given concession.

He also prayed that the formation of Special Court was illegal.

During the proceedings, prosecutor requested the court to symbolically arrest Pervez Musharraf, which was turned down.

Justice Faisal Arab remarked that Musharraf’s name was already on ECL, and a report about his medical conditions was already been sought on January 24.

Later, the hearing was adjourned till Monday.


Personal physician of the former president Pervez Musharraf and a prominent cardiologist Dr Arjumand Hashmi has said that Musharraf is under his care since 2006.

Talking to media on Friday, Dr Hashmi said that he was in good health during his medical examination in 2006. However, his health condition has gradually deteriorated which is reflected in his periodic medical examination reports.

Dr Hashmi said that he has issued a medical certificate on General Musharrf’s health condition upon a request from his family.

Responding to a question as if he would present himself for a testimony upon court’s request, Dr Hashmi said that he has a very busy medical practice and in addition to his medical responsibilities he is a city Mayor too.

He said it will be very difficult for him to spare time for a personal appearance in Pakistan’s court. Dr Hashmi excused himself in answering any more question relating to General Musharraf’s health.

He said, “As per US law whenever you perform a medical examination of a patient, you need to keep all its records. Physicians are obligated to send these records to anyone nominated by the patient.”

Besides General Musharraf, other high profile dignitaries including top Pakistani and US military and civilian leadership had been professionally served by Dr Hashmi.


  1. ZA Bhutto was hanged for killing one person. But Commando is innocent be bold and face the courts; I bet the existing courts are corrupt just pay them few "Takkas"

  2. The Law Courts will not allow an ordinary poor person in Pakistan to get away with murder and treason charges by not appearing in the court like Musharraf. This is the result of the weakness of the Judges. Let the Judges give examples of at least 10 separate cases where 10 separate ordinary poor persons have been allowed not to appear in the law courts for similar medical excuses as Musharraf. Shame on the Judges for Pakistan. Why should ordinary people of Pakistan respect such unequal laws.

    • First of all,its "court of law" second,why should ordinary people of Pakistan respect such unequal laws? Because they voted for people who dictate these laws,thats why.

  3. PT censors any comments that are contradictory to its own agenda. No freedom of expression here for sure.

  4. As per US law, Doctors are required to share the medical records only with law enforcing agencies and the court. Other than that, only patient has right to know.

    I do not know under what authority, Dr Hashmi has shared medical records of Musharraf with his wife or any other relatives. It is not allowed to be shared with other doctors as well without patient's written consent. It is a violation of US federal privacy laws unless explicitly requested by patient in writing.

    • As per privacy laws of the United States,even the law enforcing agencies and the court cannot obtain your medical records unless the person is being charged with a crime,in this case,Dr. Hashmi is not,so he is not required by law to share the information with the Pakistani courts simply because he is an American citizen and his practice is in United States.

  5. Also, disclosing Musharraf being his patient since 2006 to anyone (press in this case) is against the privacy law. He can be charged in a US court for that.

  6. Mr. Sand Man. It is not against the US law to disclose if somebody is your patient. It is, however, against the US law for a doctor to disclose the patients medical record without his written consent. There is a difference between disclosing if somebody is your patient and disclosing that patient's medical records. Also, US law does not require Doctors to share medical records with law enforcement agencies and the court. A court has the authority to order doctors to disclose the information but only to concerned people or agencies. A patient has the right to have his medical record disclosed to anybody of his/her choice. Please educate yourself before you start blabbing in a public forum.

    • Quite right! You have hit the nail on the head but it appears in Pakistan nothing is secret. Nobody has ordered investigations into how Musharraf's medical report was released to the press!

    • The people of Pakistan need to pee on this coward and self assumed commando, who is a sissy. Any commander or general, worth his name, would have never shifted blame on his subordinates, who as per discipline are supposed to obey a command. This is the man responsible for death of hundreds of our soldiers, members of NW who were sent to fight without supply line or recovery plan in the misadventure Kargil operation, doomed for failure.

      • I would love to pee in your mouth, ass-hole. You don't your ass from your elbow of what soldiering is about.

  7. No court has any authority to deny any citizen life saving treatment. Medical records are available, the man is a high risk candidate for urgent bypass surgery, mortality at AFIC is 18% and in an average Western Hospital it is 8%. The citizen is not convicted of a crime, he has the right to choose where he gets treated.

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