Fire erupts at Musharraf’s haven, AFIC


A fire erupted on Wednesday at the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in Rawalpindi, where former President Pervez Musharraf was under treatment for a heart conditions, officials have said, adding that the fire was of a minor nature.
“There was a small fire incident at the hospital, but it was extinguished immediately,” a source at Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology in Rawalpindi told a foreign news agency.
The cause of fire is being probed with supposition of an electrical short circuit starting the inferno.
Musharraf’s counsel Ahmad Raza Kasuri said that the former president was not affected.
“He is safe as the fire incident happened on another floor,” Kasuri told the agency.
Musharraf was admitted to AFIC last week when he complained of heartache on his way to a special court trying him for treason charges.
The medical report presented in the court later diagnosed him with coronary artery disease. Musharraf’s counsels had pleaded the court for allowing the former president to travel abroad for treatment.
Musharraf is due to appear in court on Thursday under the special court order issued last week after examining his medical report.


  1. Muusharraf Life is in dandger .Taliban and extremist group are ennemy.they want to kiil pm be all means.Govt should sent him abroad so that he could get treatment fom his desire Doctor.I is good opportunity to let PM go out

    • Musharraf's life is in danger because he doesn't believe in the rule of Law.
      The Mush-apologists are trying to pump air in the dead horse!

  2. There is some ghost (jinn) surrounding Pervez Musharraf. The ghost (jinn) has been implanting undetonated explosives in the way whenever Musharraf is supposed to appear in the Court. Now the same ghost has put fire in the hospital to make the commando run away from Pakistan forever!

  3. Corruption is fatal to nation but Mushraf is nor a corrupt muslim whereas all poloticians are corrupted because they have looted dunes and mountains of wealth of nation and have become bilion owners whereas nation is poor,jobless and ill. Democracy has proved to be fruitless and fruitful only for politicians to sweep money. All governments of Pakistan carried on SOOD business that is JANG WITH ALLAH AND RASOOL, QURAN. Hence do not think of progress on prosperity.

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