Pakistan Today

Vaccinators refuse to join polio campaign in Jamrud

Health workers in Jamrud on Friday refused to participate in a polio vaccination campaign because of security threats, officials said.

The three-day campaign in the Khyber tribal district is due to start on Saturday (today), almost three weeks after gunmen shot dead a worker while he was administering polio drops and vaccines to children in the town of Jamrud.

Efforts to stamp out the crippling disease in Pakistan have been seriously hampered by militant attacks on health workers inoculating children. The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) banned polio vaccinations in the tribal region of Waziristan in 2012, alleging the campaign was a cover for espionage.

“The employees at the civil hospital in Jamrud swore on oath that they will not join the campaign owing to serious security threats,” a senior health official in the region told a foreign news agency on condition of anonymity.

He said these employees recently held talks with the local administration and demanded better security and higher wages for health workers. He said the campaign would be launched according to schedule in Bara and Landi Kotal towns of Khyber from Saturday.

“If the health workers do not participate in the campaign in Jamrud, we will hire the local tribal police for the purpose,” the official added.

One health worker in Jamrud told the media outfit that he and his colleagues had received threats from militants on Thursday night warning them of serious consequences if they joined the campaign.

“Our lives are dear to us and we have decided not to join the campaign,” he said, asking not to be named.

Pakistan is one of three countries in the world where polio remains endemic, along with Afghanistan and Nigeria.

Eradication efforts have also suffered due to long-standing rumours that the vaccine was part of a Western plot to sterilise Muslims.

According to the World Health Organization, Pakistan recorded 85 cases of polio last year compared with 58 in 2012.

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