Pakistan Today

Obamas’ Christmas gift for godmother delivered to wrong family

A Chicago-area family got a belated Christmas surprise this week – a book of family photos from the White House meant for the Obama girls’ godmother, according to media reports and the White House.

Alane Church, who lives north of Chicago, told on a national show on Thursday that her family got a box of Christmas presents a week late from an uncle in New York. When they opened it, they found an extra gift at the bottom – a “beautiful personal” book.

The photo book was addressed to “Mama Kaye + Papa Wellington from Barack, Michelle + the girls.” “Mama Kaye” is the Obama girls’ godmother, Eleanor Kaye Wilson, who lives in the south Chicago suburbs.

“It’s very special, very special – private moments of their year of 2013 together,” said Church. She said the gift would be sent on to Wilson.

A White House official acknowledged the mis-delivered gift.

Sue Brennan, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Postal Service, said in an e-mail that the agency “takes issues like this very seriously and we are investigating the matter.”

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